A sunny window seat with a slice of courgette and lime cake at Waterloo Gardens Teahouse in Cardiff

One of my favourite places in my lovely home city of Cardiff is Waterloo Gardens Teahouse. For high days and holidays, it is the place to go for afternoon tea, and oh my word there are so many delectable things to choose from. It’s my idea of heaven; a cup of ‘Russian Caravan’ or one of the many other poetically named teas, a slice of courgette and lime cake or chocolate and beetroot and a sunny window spot so I can watch the world go by and feel like a cat on a cushion with things to read and the background hum of lots of people enjoying themselves. My only complaint – why oh why didn’t I think of something like this and make it my own?
Photo courtesy of **tWo pInK pOSsuMs** on Flickr.