A meander through the cobbled streets and independent shops in the Cathedral Quarter of Derby

Time to myself is a bit of a rarity these days but when my son and husband are having a ‘boys only’ day I always take a stroll into the Cathedral Quarter in Derby for some quality relaxation. It’s a world away from the busy shopping centre. The cobbled streets are lined with a lovely range of independent shops and cafes, all testament to the real Derby and a taste of what Derby used to be like.
You can’t beat a meander through Bennett’s on Iron Gate. Established in 1734, it’s simply a beautiful place to shop with lovely homewares and unique gifts. If I’m looking for clothes for a special occasion or something different to the highstreet The Cathedral Quarter always delivers the goods. My favourites boutiques are Bluewater, Cruise, CanCan and Emily Brigden which all house some exquisite designs to suit all ages.
A visit to Scraggy & Finch jewellery shop is also a must and I always manage to add something to a Christmas or birthday list (or Easter or Valentines…!). Wandering on down Sadler Gate I can never resist popping into Fraiche – a treasure trove of a gift boutique selling all sorts of hand crafted cards, gifts, accessories and beautiful smelling toiletries. I can always summon up some kind of excuse to buy something! At which point it’s time to tear myself away from all of the temptation and take some time out for a coffee at one of the nice cafes.
Photo courtesy of Creative Nickie on Flickr