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A Consumer's Guide to Search Engines

Willie W. Webfoot talks about the World Wide Web
"When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece."
—John Ruskin

Ever have a hard time finding the information that you want on the Web? You are not alone. The best way to defend yourself from too much irrelevant information is to prepare a good defense. Arm yourself with boolean logic, strengthen your search strategy by understanding the difference between directories and search engines and when one search engine isn't getting you anywhere you can always try something else.

Brush up your Boolean

Boolean search primer
A tutorial on Boolean searching on the Internet from the University of Albany Libraries.

Search Engine Secrets Revealed!

Literature About Search Engines
This well-organized index provides pointers to articles and papers available on the web that discuss and compare search engines, indexes and some of the issues that surround the future of web-hunting. This is a jewel.
Finding Information on the Internet—A Tutorial
This tutorial is very detailed and well-organized. It offers excellent overview information for beginners and loads of detail about specific search techniques for those that are looking to improve their search results.
Tips on Popular Search Engines
This page makes it easy to make the most of a search engine quickly!
Understanding and Comparing Web Search Tools
A collection of articles relating to search engines.

Evaluting Resources

Teaching Critical Evaluation Skills for World Wide Web Resources
"The need for evaluating Internet resources, and particularly for evaluating World Wide Web resources, is increasing as more and more people are using the WWW for research. This set of Web pages provides materials to assist in teaching how to evaluate the informational content of Web resources. It focuses on teaching how to develop critical thinking skills which can be applied to evaluating information found on Web pages."


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