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Desktop Internet Reference
Help for Windows Users

"Computers in the future may weigh no more than 1.5 tons."
—Popular Mechanics, 1949

What is The Desktop Internet Reference?
This giant helpfile is an excellent way to learn about the Internet.

This reference, compiled by John Buckman, is based on Peter Scott's Hytelnet, an excellent DOS and UNIX reference to the Internet. Other documents included are: The Hitchhikers Guide to the Internet NSF's Internet Resource Guide, Zen and the Art of the Internet, Introduction to the Internet: A Reading List, Putting your home PC on the Internet, the Public Dialup Internet Access List, The Totally Unofficial List of Internet Muds, High Weirdness on the Internet, ARCHIE user commands, Individual access to the Internet and a List of all known anonymous FTP sites. Each of these documents is included here in its entirity, with all original copyrights retained.

Topics covered in this 18,000+ page resource include:

  • What is the Internet? How does it work?
  • How can I get connected to the Internet?
  • What resources are available? How can I find things?
  • How do I use these resources?
  • Where can I find more about these topics?

Download the Desktop Internet Reference
It's a 1.3 megabyte file, so expect it to take a few minutes to download.

Installing the Desktop Internet Reference
This file is compressed in .zip format. If you don't already have a copy, you'll probably want to download WinZip. After you've downloaded the file, just run winzip81.exe to start the installation procedure, then follow the instructions displayed on your screen.


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