Where does the map in website builder software get it's info from?
Where does the map in Mobirise website builder software get it's info from? We have a city and state and zip code but I still comes up New York City. We have the same info that you see on that page in the "Address" box. Putting the Google map URL in the Address box does nothing and we're not sure where all the info comes from that egernates the map. HELP?
Please start a new project and add the map block in it. Maybe something is wrong with your project file.
We look forward to future developments of this simple, easy to use program. I noticed in looking at the html code that the new email form has a website builder software.com link in the code. Should this be replaced with our domain or leave it as it's needed to operate the form? Any changes we need to make on the form for it to work on our domain? Where is the "mailto" address kept? Thanks. nice program and simple, hoping our client likes it when we're done.
Add a form block and set the Notification email. You will receive submissions. We use our server to process forms.
The link to us isn't needed. You can remove it.
Can we just place the Google analytics code on the html page where it belongs?
We'll add a custom HTML block later. You can edit generated sites after publication.
Great program (of course) and about to start trying the new version 4.
QUESTION - since this is a very open, free, easy to use program, is it like WordPress in that it's easily hacked by people who have the same easy access to the programming or.......?
Any experiences so far?
Also, do you have suggestions for the size and resolution for photos to be used full screen backgrounds? And the video backgrounds are importanted the same as images for full size?
Mobirise websites are static sites that require no back-end.You can decide by yourself, what size of images you want to use. We recommend you to add qualitative large size images for your website background. The types of images you can use as background are .jpg .png .gif .bmp .tiff .svg. Please contact us, if you have any further questions.
Hi I create an account with my email, when I click to purchase the extension, the program do not allow me, do not recognise my email.
How can I change to other email without losing my work?
If you forgot your password, you can click on 'forgot password?' and receive a email message to change your current password. You can also use a new email address and work with your projects in Mobirise app. Please try to sign up with another email address and add the extensions you want. Make sure, your project files are saved.
Hello, mobirise is fine, but contact form doesnt allow me to change text of button. Is possible solution this?
Please provide us with more information about this issue. You should just click at the text of the button to change it. You can change it manually using Code Editor. If you have any further questions, please contact us.
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