President Bill Clinton and Bobby McAlpine of the National Urban League. Born, Raised and Educated on Ashmun Street

James Lewis & Family & McClure Family. Born on Ashmun ST, raised on Webster ST and Educated in New Haven, CT
Platnum Alliance James Lewis owner. The First Black Own Business to have a Statewide Computer Contract to Equip, Develop, Install, and Train DFCS Agencies throughout the State of GEORGIA with a Child Care & Adult Protective Services, Immunization and Fatherhood Computer PC Network and Web Application. (GAGAIN) GOD is GREATER
Billy Fitch on Congas
You are now under the control Of the lovely lady of soul. She will touch your heart or break it And you will learn to take it. |
I think that the world needs to listen to
more of those soul-stirring sounds of some of the
greatest performers of all time. Now is the time for more. Listen to some of your favorite tunes. Click on a link below. |
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The songs on this site are copyrighted by the respective artists and are placed here for entertainment purposes only. No profits are made for this site from their use. My objective is to give appreciation to this music and possibly renew interest in it. Most of all, I want to bring back the memories and express just how much this music was a part of our lives and how much it meant to us. Thanks to us for hanging in there and refusing to let our music go, most of the songs we grew up with are still available for purchase. Please support these artists and purchase their music if you like it. Links to dealers for purchasing cd's, tapes, and videos are located on the links page.